Reserve Your Seat
For Our Online Workshop

To register for our 2-day virtual event on “How to Launch 6-Figure Virtual Workshops with Small Groups,” please schedule a registration call with one of our community managers below.

This is NOT a sales call. It is a quick 15-minute call to learn a little about you to make sure the content in our workshop is relevant to you and business and will help you move towards your goals.

The last thing we’d want would be to waste your time, so when you hop onto our call, we’ll make sure the event is right for you and then get you all the details you need, such as the Zoom link, to get you registered and ready for the event.


You might be asking why is it necessary to do these registration calls?

A big part of the reason is that this is going to be an implementation-based online workshop.

There will be very little – if any – hype or fluff.

It will be mainly coaching – followed by sessions where we’ll implement together as a group.

That way, you’ll leave this training with something finished instead of a large list of “things to-do later”.

Make sense?

But here’s the other thing…

We want everyone who attends this mastermind to get results.

Including you.


#1 – it’s more case studies for us.

And #2 – it lets you get “results in advance” so we can earn your trust & hopefully get you to invest in our paid stuff one day.


You get to change your life & business forever.

So it’s really a win-win.

Thus, we need everyone who attends to be serious about showing up to the event.

AND about doing the work.

To do that, we need to filter the serious ones from the non-serious ones.

We’re not going to ask you to invest any money on the call nor will we be dropping those annoying “BUY NOW” before the clock expires links during the online workshop.

We hate hard sales tactics like that.

But when we get on our registration call, we are going to need your verbal confirmation that you will show up to the online workshop and do the work.

So in order to attend this training and start changing your life & business forever…

You’ll just need to set up a short 15-minute event confirmation call with one of our community managers.

And we’ll get you registered with the event time that fits your schedule and works for you.

And that’s it!

So go ahead and choose the date and time that works best for you:

P.S. If you’d like a refresher on what we’ll be covering during our online workshop, you can read all the details here.